The CCFS Golden Rules of Considerate Behavior

Because we have such a large group of members in CCFS we’ve adopted policies and procedures to ensure a good movie experience for everyone. Thus, the Golden Rules.

 1.  Members should be at the theater by 12:45; this will allow everyone (especially the volunteers) to get settled and seated. Any announcements will be made 5-10 minutes before the 1:00 start of the movie.

 2.  We are a non-profit 501c3 educational organization and our movies are for members only. That means only dues-paying members who submitted a membership form can attend. Substituting someone for a spouse who is unable to attend is not allowed.

 3.  The Guest Policy: Only family and/or friends who are staying at your home overnight are welcome to attend. Permission for guests must be granted through our email account ( at least 2 days in advance of the showing. A list of the approved guests will be posted at the sign-in table.

 4.  Saving seats is not allowed: It is not fair to the members who strive to come, not just on time, but also early. The only exception is for the volunteers working at the sign-in table.

5. Be sure to silence your phones and there should be no texting during the movie.

 6.  Concession: The Playhouse concession will be open so you can purchase snacks which may be taken into the theater. As guests of the Playhouse we ask that you go the extra mile to prevent spills. However, if a spill does occur, please notify a volunteer.

 7.  Library: CCFS has a lending library that includes all past movies shown; these movies may be checked out at no cost to members. A list of titles can be accessed by clicking on “CCFS Library of Movies” at the top of this page. There you will also find instructions for how to acquire the films of your choice.

You can access a printable version of the Golden Rules by clicking on the button below.

January, 2024